Because she's a stinkin' genius and should be one of those adorable kids on the Microsoft commercials, I was able to teach Olivia how to use Microsoft Publisher- my favorite program in the world (because I am not a genius and Photoshop hurts my brain.) She comes up with the most random, yet hilarious things while fooling around on there. She has made invitations to a private concert that was held in our living room.

She made this random sign that she hung on the fridge the other day...

HUH?!?!? Ha!
But the best thing I have seen from her is this card for my 30th Birthday Pity Party. 

She cracks me up.
Never thought the day would come that my kids know more about the computer than me, but I think the day is almost here....that is a VERY cute card she made for you. I bet that went in the keep forever stack!
HA! Hilarious!
I saw that on your fridge the other day and thought it was a weird thing to send home from school.........
That is too fun!! Love the b-day card she made you! And now I am going to have to look into this Microsoft Publisher...sounds like something I should be playing with too!
She is teh best!
"Bullies and Bulldogs"- it's like a Zen koan.
And the birthday card... The juxtaposition of the sweet sentiment vs. the reality: a)you're not OLD (trust me) and b) the years you've shared together (all 7 of them)- I'm tearing up and cracking up at the same time.
These will be so precious later on.
$0! That's a steal! So cute.
Your "official date outfit" comment cracked me up! Ain't it the truth. Thanks for stopping by!
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