Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What A Fun Day!

So today was Olivia's Kindergarten End Of The Year party, and I signed up to come and help out. There wasn't much for me to do because thier room mom is awesome and had everything out and ready to go... They had the party at the park and splash pad across the parking lot from the school. O had a great time and I met a Mommy Friend-yea! Her daughter is in O's class and she also has a little boy Bub's age. The next fun thing we have is O's All American Dinner and Show, which will be next Monday evening....

On another note...Check out Bub's haircut...Remind you of anyone??? Jason says I'm mean, but its not mean if its the TRUTH!


Anonymous said...

Ni looks beautiful.

Ack! That's as bad as Mamie Eisenhower bangs! Did Dad do that to him? Thanks goodness, he's a genius...

Anonymous said...

Oh, good. Now you will have a friend, and Bubs will have a friend he can run around and smack things with.
