Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Teacher Gifts '09

Its Teacher Gift time! Having worked in a school for numerous Christmas-es, I know what NOT to give: Bath and Body Works. Ha!

I always try to make something... and then I usually end up wanting to keep it. Last year I made coffee baskets. And it took everything I had not to brew up a pot while I was pouring each specialty flavor coffee into their precious labeled tins... KILLER.
So this year, I needed something that didn't have to do with my serious addiction, why do that to myself two years in a row. So I went the crafty-route. And made tassels.

I luv Nester. And I loved the tassels she made. And I stocked every picture trying to figure out how she made the darn things. There had to be something in the middle- but what? Alyshia and I spent several hours discussing what we could use: old thread spools... wooden circles... Well. Last month sweet Nester sold her secret and I bought it. And wouldn't you know... She just rolls the dang fringe. Could it get any easier than that??? So I read her "How To" ebook, waited til ornaments went on sale at the Hob Lob and got my tassel on. (Ooo... that sounds kinda bad. Sorry.)

Normally, the brightly colored toppers would not be my first choice, but my children loved them, and since they are for their teachers, I got over it. I made one for each of their teachers. Then I made two identical ones of the glittery Santa on his bag for O's principal and and Bub's director. 'Know who I love so much I could eat him? The chocolate Santa. He's for my Nanna. YUM.
I hope they go over well, and people don't look at them like, "What the heck is this thing??" I have been prepping my kiddos on what to say, "Its decoration..." "You can hang it on your doorknob..." Ha! We'll see! Careful though... they were so fun and easy to make... it might be the gift everyone gets from me from now on...


Tardevil said...

Ok, then please add me to your "gift list" because they turned out great! LOL! I think I like the last one best. That basket is killer too.

4Hoffman's said...

Those are super cute!! Definitely showing up our tins of homemade cookies!! LOL!!