Thursday, August 14, 2008


Poor, poor, poor Miss O! We just got back from the dentist where she had to have a tooth pulled. She is in la-la-land, but I still feel so bad for her. She was such a little soldier, and went back there without me. It took over an hour! and I started to freak out...but everything is fine. Poor kid couldn't eat all day because of the anesthesia and is now sitting on the couch enjoying a big bowl of ice cream, so I guess thats good...

Morgan celebrated her 3 weeks on the planet by sleeping for us! She slept from, brace yourself: 11:30pm to 4:20am! Seriously!!! And of course I couldn't enjoy it because I woke up every two hours and raced to the side of the crib to make sure she was still breathing! Maybe she'll do it again tonight and I will try to make the most of it!! Sure do like catching an encore of the great primetime Olympics at 2:00am though... Random: We love that there is an Olympic mastcot named "NiNi" (even if its not the cutest one!)


Anonymous said...

Ow! I'm so proud of her for being a brave girl. Will there be Pet Shops?

Anonymous said...

Oh please tell Olivia we're all thinking of her. We really miss you all...Jen and family